Phobias & Anxieties

Elimination of phobias, inhibitions & anxieties once and for all

A phobia is an irrational, intense, persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, or people.

When it comes to getting over things, getting over fears is one of the biggest if not the biggest challenge people have. Fears can be divided into two main groups: phobias and anxieties. Phobic fears are when you see something and immediately you are overwhelmed with fear. Anxiety on the other hand is slower, gradual build-up of fear, where people go inside their minds and make pictures of terrible outcomes.

The fact is you can only feel in the present moment. Any negative feelings from an unpleasant memory must come from the way you are remembering it. You felt bad back then and once is enough for you do develop some kind of a phobia or an anxiety pattern..

The simplest way to re-experience the bad feelings of a past event is to remember it as an associated picture. You must be there, seeing what there was to see through your own eyes and feeling it again.

People think they are afraid of all these things, but they are not. It’s not the object. It’s not the height that makes you afraid, it’s your brain. We know this because other people can be at the same height and they don’t get afraid. The question becomes: what is the person who feels fear doing inside his/her head and, even more important, what is the person who feels calm or confident in those situations doing inside his/her head?

Most people with a fear of heights get out of bed easily, but when it comes to walking on a balcony of a high building they start to panic, they feel like they are losing their balance and what this experience creates for them is a vertigo.

When a person has a phobia what happens is they have a fear that is literally overwhelming to them. They really don’t have much control over it-physically or emotionally and most people that go through phobias try and get traditional help and a lot of times that help might require 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years of therapy or more. A phobia is traditionally considered a very hard thing to change.

Now over the years, just as computer technology has advanced so has the area of psychology. Fortunately what we have discovered is a very powerful process of obliterating any form of phobia-whether you have a phobia of snakes, bees, spiders, escalators, lifts, flying, public speaking, driving, heights or anything else. The way this process was created was by first finding out how a phobia got started in the first place. And the way a phobia happens is basically it’s a massive attachment or an anchor. It’s a massive stimilus-response. You might know somebody who has a phobia of heights. You can get them to walk on the ground fine but if you get them on the balcony of a tall building their whole body begins to react in an unpleasant way. Why? Because they have linked up unresourceful fearful states to seeing a balcony or being on a balcony. Some people have it for speaking in front of the room. They can talk to you one on one without a problem but if you get them to talk in front of ten people they begin to panic and lose control over their physical body. All that is is an anchor that gets triggered every time the person faces that same situation. Agoraphobia is a fear of public places, and claustrophobia is a fear of closed-in places. If you become anxious and extremely self-conscious in everyday social situations, you could have a social phobia. Other common phobias involve tunnels, highway driving, water, flying, animals and blood.

The steps that we take you through to overcoming your phobia/anxiety are really simple. We discover your phobic mechanism, break up that mechanism and than replace it with your newly desired mechanism. Imagine the freedom you feel when you can casually walk past a spider, get on a airplane without feeling like your heart is going to explode out of your chest, comfortably ride an elevator to the 42nd floor, give a speech with ease or drive your car in a normal way.

Whatever your phobia, regardless of how long you have suffered from it, despite the dreadful life limitations you have endured because of your fear, your phobia can be cured! Even better, the process will not require painful therapies, loads of money, gambling with your health, sacrifices of time or a long delay until treatment finally works. Quite the contrary. No matter your phobia free yourself today by taking action! Begovski Research will help if you take the simple step of contacting us.

This simple yet powerful process that we use is pain free, 100% natural and has no side effects. And the best thing is that it takes only ONE session to get rid of any phobia you might be experiencing.

These methods are the most advanced, exciting and powerful mind technologies available today. After only one session you will be able to put the control back in your hands - where it belongs!

Where would you like your session to be held? Choose between the following options:
1) We'll come to you and conduct the session in the privacy of your own office or home
2) You can visit us in the convenience of one of our offices
3) Get your Results Coaching over the phone or online.

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